I know that I am not supposed to have a favorite...I KNOW! It really isn't my fault. Hugh you are the best baby in the entire world. And, well, let's be honest here...your siblings
Dislikes: Being told no, solid foods, having unsafe things taken away
Nicknames: Youkie, Youkie-pie, Hoo, Hughtiepie
Milestones: Sleeping through the night (dropping a mid-night feeding), sitting, solid foods, baby's first 5K!
Feeding: Hugh still loves to nurse above all else. In fact I might argue that in protest of solid foods he actually cues to nurse more frequently than he was a few weeks ago. Of course he is also getting bigger/older and he may be nursing more because he is hungrier. Whatever the reason Hugh is still nursing 6-7 times per day in addition to taking a 6-7oz bottle just before bed. First time me would probably be doing some finger wagging as third time me sits on the couch to nurse Hugh purely for his comfort at least once a day. Lily was an efficiency queen who only nursed when she was hungry and Ben was all about solids once we started. While I breastfed each of them until their first birthday neither nursed just because they liked it.
It has been several weeks since Matt or I have tried to give Hugh milk that has been previously frozen. To follow up from last month however Hugh did drink the milk that was only in the freezer for about 24 hours without any fuss. I suspect that he really is just that sensitive to variations in the taste of the milk. That is not to say that the milk in the freezer tastes different than the milk he had been happily drinking that day/week, but it does taste different than the milk he was drinking a few hours before...if that makes sense. I am hoping that as we introduce more and more solids that he becomes desensitized to variations in taste. The likelihood that he will drink even a quarter of the freezer stash is slim, but it makes me feel better knowing it is there if we need it. I will admit that I could probably start pumping less and let my supply decrease a little without the universe spinning wildly out of control. I will also admit that sometimes I pump for my own comfort and while I fully realize that this encourages my supply I do not like to run when I am lugging around 8-10 ounces of milk, call me crazy.
Sleeping: Two words: SLEEP TRAINED. Boom.
Ok, so maybe there are more than two words I can say on the subject of sleep. Hallelujah comes to mind!
Hugh was a textbook sleep trainer. It literally (there I go again Chris Traeger) took me three nights of gradually extending the amount of time I let him CIO to completely eliminate our middle of the night feeding. I do not go to him when he is crying during a nap (see above) but even my cold black heart has its limits. If I feel like a little paci assistance will salvage a nap or if I can just tell that he is getting too worked up...I totally fold. With Hugh I can do that. He is not an all or nothing baby. Talk about freaking liberating!!
In the last few weeks a schedule, of Hugh's design, has emerged. We start our day between 6 and 7. I nurse Hugh on one side in the toasty baby suite (I moved the glider in there, because I am a doer people). He only nurses on one side and then I put him back to bed. He wakes up again between 8:30 and 9 and I nurse him again. He hangs out for about an hour. Seriously, by 10am he is ready to go back down for a nap. Lily did the exact same thing (I just looked it up and so did Ben!). He gets up a little before noon and goes back down around 2:30. His afternoon nap is variable but we try and get 2 hours...that did not happen today. He is all nightgowned up for bed by 7:30. Kiss kiss, goodnight little prince.
Sigh, Hugh. SIGH! You are so wonderful.
Matt pushed Hugh in the jogger on a very cold Valentine's Day for our "year of races" February event. Clearly making Dingle the coolest, most badass husband/dad ever and Hugh a total boss for already completing his first 5K. The big kids really need to step up their game.
I realized that aside from the race Hugh has spent about 15 minutes outside since November. Sorry buddy...it's cold.
Hugh is getting a little too mobile for my liking. He isn't crawling but he is scooting and can drag himself surprisingly far across the rug on his belly. It is only a matter of time until he realizes that he is definitely strong enough to lift that big ol' belly up off the floor. Rolls for days. Like our very own Pillsbury dough boy!