Monday, April 2, 2012

One last post about the big girl bed and then I promise I will stop...

Lily has been in her big girl bed for 2 whole weeks! The transition has been so wonderfully easy I put off posting about it until now to avoid jinxing this good thing we have going.

We had one little hiccup last weekend when, as expected, Lily started to test the boundaries of her new privilege. I suspected that she may have gotten out of her bed on Sunday morning when I noticed that some blankets and laundry were messier than I would have left them. I didn't have real proof and she was in the bed when we went in to get her. At nap time later on that day Lily confirmed my suspicion when she kicked the baby monitor off the bed rail as she was climbing down. I scurried upstairs (as fast an 8 month pregnant lady can scurry) and caught her hanging from the end of the bed. I only wish I had my camera ready because the guilty look on her face was priceless.

After a stern talking to I put her back in the bed and closed the door. Not 3 minutes later she had made her second escape. Again we burst into the room, scolded her and put her back in bed. As soon she heard the click of the door latch she was on the move yet again. After a week of compliance we were at a total loss for what to do next. I am an avid believer, and devoted follower of The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp. Lucky for me he also wrote a book entitled, you guessed it, The Happiest Toddler on the Block. I have not had a chance to read it yet but was able to google: what would Harvey Karp do?!? His advice, do not interact with the child, positively or negatively, simply put them back in bed and leave the room. Anyone want to guess how many more times we had to go in the room??




In all seriousness I was in disbelief that she was so responsive. Knock on every piece of wood in the house, we haven't had a single escape attempt since. (Matt installed a web-cam so that we could keep an eye on her)

Not only has she stayed in the bed, she took an actual nap every day this past week, whoa. I am officially patting myself on the back for this one! One transition down, three hundred to go.

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